Proverbs 31 Ministries' SheSpeaks Conference

God loves to send us blessings in surprise.
        Last year, I went to a conference for Christian women called Set Apart in St. Paul.  I was very skeptical about it because everything seemed so girly and pink.  "Obviously, this will just be cheesy and irrelevant to me," I thought.  I was wrong.  That conference changed my life and I believe that it was really God's final hard push to get my stubborn self moving toward his will and my life with Him.  Since that conference, I've been following the blog of Lysa TerKeurst, who spoke at the conference and really touched my heart as someone I could look up to and model after.  She is a part of a woman's ministry called Proverbs 31 Ministries that I find to be touching and very relevant to today's woman. This July 30th-August 1st, Proverbs 31 Ministries is holding their annual SheSpeaks Conference in Charlotte, NC.  The conference takes attendants through the process of becoming an efficient writer, speaker, and leader.  It is 2 1/2 days of God showing women how to expand his kingdom by being the best that we can be.
I really want to go.

Which is the reason for this post.  I want to go and learn how to speak and touch women's hearts the way I was touched last year.  It's expensive and far away, but Proverbs 31 is offering 3 scholarships to women whose hearts are led by Jesus to share his gospel and speak/write his word. 

When I was 4 years old, my dad wanted to teach me how to ride a bike.  He got me a really cool bike that was pink with streamers and everything.  I thought that I was just going to have my training wheels on for a while and then worry about going on my own later.  But oh no, that's not what my dad had in mind.  He let me ride around the yard ONCE with my training wheels and then promptly decided to take them off.  I was so mad at him! I didn't want to have to face the hard part right away, I just wanted to be along for the ride and worry about it later.  But my dad knew what was best.  He wanted me to feel the reward of having the wind on my face as I rode confidently and unafraid.  I think this is where God has me with leadership and speaking.  He knows that I just want to ride around with my training wheels on, not really ever stepping into my call as a woman's leader until I'm good and comfortable. But my God doesn't want to let me do that.  He wants me to step into the fullness of his plan and his calling, whether I feel ready or not.

I don't feel ready to be a speaker of the Truth, but I want it and I think it's what God wants for me too.  I have learned that if God wants something, I can't give up or get discouraged.  He is a big God who instills big dreams in all of us.  This is my big dream: to speak to women's hearts and help them see the truth in who our God is.  He is so good and loving. I know that he won't take off my training wheels unless he wants me to feel the reward of leading women unafraid.

For more info on the conference you can go here:
For Lysa's blog and information on the scholorship you can go here:

Love Always,

Thoughts on "The Church" in America

Hi! So today was the VLI intensive on church growth. Basically, my fellow students and I got together and watched 6 hours of lecture together all in one sitting.  It certainly was an interesting intensive that had a lot of good points on the cultural stumbling blocks the church is against today and what today's average, non-Jesusy person thinks about the church.  I have to say though that I felt a quite beaten down by the end of it all.  Much of the 6 hours were quite honestly spent on where the church has gone wrong in the modern age with specific statistics of the "decline" and wavering influence of church institutions.  American culture today is experiencing a "rapid" loss of moral standards, church attendance, and christian influence.  Yay...

Well, you know what? I'M NOT THAT WORRIED!

We do not serve a God who is dead or uninterested. We do not serve a God who is scared of empty church buildings or changing political opinions. And we are not sleazy salespeople who are peddling a cheap religion on the road side.

WE SERVE A LIVING GOD! We serve the God of love who is the creator and above all things.  When we share the gospel, we are sharing the truth that is good news for EVERYBODY. Everyone needs Jesus, whether they are aware or not, and therefore the good news of Jesus can never be lost or die because of a culture change. 

So what if people are changing their attitudes toward organized religion, Jesus said to love each other and the world, the rest is just details.  I look at American culture today and I see a place that is more open to spirituality and faith than ever. People want to be connected with more than themselves.  They don't see that love and connectedness coming from the "Christians" on TV and at political protests, so they turn to Oprah, new age philosophy, and others to try and fill that need.  I think some Jesus-followers see that and give up hope that they could make a difference because it's hard to fight something bad when it's coming from your side of the battle.  Well, so what?!

Jesus actually saved and connected a lot of people without the use of TV, when the whole culture seemed against him.  He did this by loving people and curing their illnesses.
It's easy to see what we're up against and feel like giving up, to focus on the bad things and just talk about them all day long without ever coming up with solutions or actions.  But those kinds of thoughts and feelings come from a place of fear, and Jesus came to cast out all fear.

The hardest part for me about this intensive on church growth was that after the presentation of all the problems, there was very little said in the way of solutions.  I don't have the answers either, but it seems to me that being relevant and real (because Jesus is relevant and real) is the only way to save the church in America.
For too long, the religion of Christianity has sat high above the lives and problems of the people they were meant to serve.  Surprise, surprise, that attitude is finally coming back to bit the church in the ass. Well, good.  Because no one needs a high and lofty religion anyway, and Jesus has a lot more to offer than that.  Sometimes things go downhill, because they need to in order for the people to wake up and get real.  God is much bigger than any problem, and because of that, I'm not worried.  Jesus is good news for everyone, even today.

My Family is Awesome

So. Today, my Momma invited everybody over for dinner and a good time was had by all. Those in attendance were: Mom, Dad, Sister, Leif, Aunt Karen, Jim, Aunt Annie, Doug, myself, and three happy doggies by the names of Kodak, Leana, and Harry.  I love family get togethers!  It gives you an excuse to visit home with the added benefits of lots of people, conversation, and guaranteed decent food.  Also, my parents' house is always nice and warm.  They live on a beautiful stretch of land with cute birdies, colorful sunsets, and the rarity of peace and quiet.
Nature. I miss nature. Being able to breathe the air and see the stars was something I definately took for granted growing up. At least I get to visit everyonce in a while. :)


Why am I starting a blog you ask? Good Question.
Well, I'm not much of a writer and I've certainly never written a blog that I'm in a new job with lots of downtime I've decided now is the time to start!
I want to share what I love...and maybe even a bit of what I hate...with the open universe.
If anyone decides to read this that's just fine, but if not that's cool too.
Until we meet again!